On every website and every instagram ad there's always a new sugar scrub. Sometimes it even feels like a sugar scrub overload! Some of you might even be wondering are they all using the same ingredients? Are sugar scrubs even necessary? Why is it so popular now?
Well for starters sugar scrubs can be made with a wide variety of different ingredients. number two they aren't a necessity but they should be! Sugar scrubs help get rid of dead skin. I don't know about you but dead skin isn't something I want on my body. number three its so popular because once Covid popped up on the scene everyone has now decided to not only take their health on the inside seriously but also their skin health seriously as well. Skin care is definitely apart of self care!
So lets get a little more familiar with sugar scrubs and their importance.
- Exfoliates skin
- Removes dead skin cells build up
- Softer skin
- Moisturized skin
- Brighten skin
- Reduces hyperpigmentation
- Prevents razor bumps
Sugar contains minerals that are good for your body and help keep toxins out. Sugar is also less abrasive than salt scrubs and are great if you have sensitive skin. When and how do you use a sugar scrub? Well here are a few tips to help you out! Starting with
Before you shave
When you have ingrown hairs